British And American Accents | Between the Lines by English Forward

English Forward
Nov 13, 2020


There are quite a few different accents in English, and a problem is being able to tell them apart, and knowing which one you should sound like. The previous examples have all been in the American accent to make things simpler. When you are first learning English you should only try to learn one accent, and you should decide whether that is an American accent or a British one. However you should try to understand both.

To help you with understanding both accents, here is a list of some common and more difficult words in English, said with both a British and American accent. Listen to both pronunciations and see which one you most sound like.

Written by Hitchhiker

Francis West is a developer and he started programming when he was six years old. His first business model was learning platform. Hitchhiker is the original founder of English Forums (now English Forward) that was acquired by Mitch Rankin, CEO of English Forward.



English Forward
English Forward

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