Why English Is The Dominant Business Language

English Forward
3 min readJun 26, 2019


Business English

English is the most widespread language for communication, which makes it a top choice when deciding what language to study with different purposes. While the popularity of the language is undoubted, many wonder why this is, in fact, the case.

Historical domination, political and geographic factors

Languages, and especially their popularity, are largely affected by political and geographic factors. Because of this dependency, English has become the most widespread language in the world.

The British and American colonizations resulted in a large number of the world’s population speaking English as a native language. The United Kingdom and the United States are two of the main political powers in the world, which means that business is thriving there. Consequently, English has become the main engine for communication in the business sphere.

The dominant language of more than 60 nations worldwide

Not only that, but English is the dominant language of more than 60 nations worldwide, and according to a British Council report, it is expected that by 2020, more than two billion people will be fluent English speakers. This means that around a quarter of the world population will be able to communicate freely through a language that is not always their native one.

While political and historical factors have caused English to be so widespread across the globe, nowadays the language becomes more and more popular because of its importance to business growth and communication.

English allows for the global development of business

English is the only language that has attracted more than one billion learners globally, which is no surprise, considering the opportunities this language reveals for businesses.

The fact that so many people are fluent in English allows for easier communication between people from different countries, even if their native languages are different. This facilitates an easy medium for discussions and negotiations, which are the main aspects of business relationships.

Preferred Language by International Businesses

Many international companies have adopted English as the primary language they work with, even as the origin of these companies is not from an English speaking country. Some of the most prominent examples of such companies include Nokia (Finland) and Airbus (France).

English is the most popular language globally, and this automatically makes it a dominant language in the business world, as it allows companies to reach the largest number of potential customers. Additionally, being a fluent speaker will aid negotiations with potential partners, which is another good way to boost your business.

Don’t hesitate to start learning English — this will definitely boost your business skills

English is undoubtedly the most popular language on Earth, and once you master it you will eliminate any boundary your business previously had in terms of collaboration with partners from around the world.

Written by Hristina Yordanova

Back from her stint with European Central Bank, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, Societe Generale, Hilton Hotels, and Aviva International, Tina rejoins Cryptopolitan with a deeper insight regarding the financial world, blockchain enterprises and institutions and practices involved in it. She is eager to share her rounded perspective honed from the biggest media analysis companies on the Balkans.

